Dental conditions and treatments

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

– Albert Einstein (or someone else)

Dental conditions

  • Dental caries or dental decay: is a hole in the tooth that, unless something is done to stop the hole getting bigger, will get so big that not enough tooth will be left to ever fix the tooth.
  • Active periodontal infection: Healthy gum tis-sue shouldn’t bleed when we measure pockets, clean teeth or floss. The hemorrhage and deeper pockets we detected today during your periodontal screening indicate you have active periodontal disease, so I’d like to talk to you about how we can get this infection under control...
  • Permanent bone damage: which comprimises the teeth 
  • Perio-disease remission: we know this has happened by accessing the gums
  • Periapical abscess: bag of pus in the bone at the end of your tooth.

Dental treatments

  • Crown : cover or cap that protects and overlays a tooth so it envelops a split in that tooth so that when you chomp down, you can chomp knowing that the tooth is unlikely to be split any further. 
  • Veneer
  • Cusp overlay
  • Filling
  • Fissure seal
  • Periodontal therapy: 
  • Daily disease control: what you do - diet, teeth cleaning, what you drink

Preferred Health Fund Providers

Preferred providers

Contact us

Mon, Wed, Fri 8.00am-5.00pm
Tues and Thur 8.00am-6.00pm
Sat by appointment

28 Were Street
Montmorency VIC 3094 AU

Online Booking

Were St Dentists


Our Dentists +

Dr Tze-Howe Chan BDSc(Melb)
Dr Lancy Qin BDSc(Melb)
Dr Steven Cichello BDSc (Melb)
Dr Julian Liu D.M.D (Budapest, Hungary)


Were Street Dentists offer family friendly quality advanced dental care - Family orientated

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