Un-mask your smile potential with a little help

What makes a great smile?

Let us share the secrets - and with a little help from us you can discover your smile potential.

Our secrets
A great smile is a combination of light and shade, shape and color.
There is science and art in everything we do.
Often you might hear about cosmetics in dentistry or aesthetics. These words don't adequately convey the training and eye that we have developed to know that the way light bounces off your teeth is dependent on the tooth angle and shape. Color is an illusion of the shadows of your lips and the tone of your gums.

Your smile is our passion. 
Let us share with you to science of our art as we can advise on how each aspect of dental health is part of a great smile designed to your individual unique personality.

You may not be aware that:

  • gum color will influence how others see your teeth. Healthy gums are a healthy color.
  • teeth shape causes different shading and perceptions of different sizes of teeth. Teeth can be shifted or rotated with orthodontic treatment or with crowns or even an illusion caused with tooth colored filling materials.
  • "white" filling materials are not "white". We use many combinations of white shades to make up tooth restorations.
  • light 'bounces' off the surfaces of teeth depending on the shine and shape.

Our passion is health and our art is understanding the science of colors and shape.
The options available to you increase each year so come in and ask us to "un-mask" your smile potential. 

Preferred Health Fund Providers

Preferred providers

Contact us

Mon, Wed, Fri 8.00am-5.00pm
Tues and Thur 8.00am-6.00pm
Sat by appointment

28 Were Street
Montmorency VIC 3094 AU

Online Booking

Were St Dentists


Our Dentists +

Dr Tze-Howe Chan BDSc(Melb)
Dr Lancy Qin BDSc(Melb)
Dr Steven Cichello BDSc (Melb)
Dr Julian Liu D.M.D (Budapest, Hungary)


Were Street Dentists offer family friendly quality advanced dental care - Family orientated

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